News from Pohlmann & Company


06.11.2020: Anti-Corruption Conference 2020

Anti-bribery investigations & enforcement: an international affair

Anti-bribery enforcement is increasingly an international affair. Agencies continue to coordinate across borders in the investigation and resolution of large-scale bribery cases, from the landmark Odebrecht case to the record-setting Airbus settlement. Although COVID-19 continues to occupy our minds, anti-corruption efforts continue around the world.

The Bijzonder Strafrecht Academie’s conference will be held digitally on Friday, November 6, 2029 from 1.30 – 5 p.m. A secure live stream will be provided as well as ample opportunity to connect with speakers and other participants. Q&A’s with speakers will be held and networking among participants will be facilitated through speed dating.


During this year’s conference the following topics will be discussed:

  • Airbus: key giveaways for international cooperation
  • German Act on Fighting Corporate Crime
  • New kid on the block: the French Agence française anticorruption (AFA)
  • What to expect from the Serious Fraud Office
  • Prosecution of individuals: an international success?
  • Developments from the Low Lands

Our partner Nicole Willms will speak on the topic “German draft of Corporate Sanctioning Act” (VerSanG).

More information.

Please register here.