07.03.2019: DAI-Conference „Compliance und Legal Enforcement”
Review, Perspectives, Outlook 2019
Due to national, European and international developments in compliance regulation, listed companies that operate globally are confronted with ever newer and higher challenges. At the conference, which the Deutsche Aktieninstitut (DAI) will be holding on March 7, 2019 at the Hotel “Hessischer Hof”, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 40, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany, the handling of and best practices with regard to current compliance trends as well as upcoming regulatory innovations in the current year will be discussed from various perspectives.
The conference is aimed at representatives of listed and capital market-oriented companies, in particular from the fields of law and compliance, as well as representatives of law firms and consulting firms who are highly interested in current national and international developments and trends in compliance.
Dr. Andreas Pohlmann will talk about his experiences under the title “Practice Report of a Compliance Monitor”.
Further information on the programme and registration can be found here.