Panel-Discussion: The Compliance Monitor’s Perspective
At the 35th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) end of November 2018 in Washington D.C. Dr. Andreas Pohlmann talked on a panel with regard to the topic „The Compliance Monitor’s Perspective – Where Companies Have Gone Right and Wrong on FCPA Compliance and Remediation”. In a lively discussion with other Compliance Monitors he reported on the basis of his extensive experience as Chief Compliance Officer and Counsel of companies under monitorship, as a Monitor himself for a NASDAQ 100 company and as German Counsel to the Monitor of Volkswagen. The 700+ participants of the conference, which brings together numerous inhouse professionals, Compliance and Legal advisors as well as decision-makers from the DOJ, SEC and FBI, could gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of a monitorship as well as its different steps from the preparation to the final certification. All panelists agreed with regard to the fundamental principle for a successful monitorship: „Transparency is key – no surprises!”
The presentation can be accessed here.