News from Pohlmann & Company


19.11.2019: MedInform Healthcare Compliance Expert Forum

The topic of healthcare compliance is becoming more and more comprehensive and specialised. With the law to prevent corruption in the health care system, other practice areas have also become increasingly important and must be taken into account in contracts and decisions.

Healthcare compliance officers and lawyers need more and more detailed knowledge of current developments. Despite day-to-day business, the discourse on legal policy issues, such as the new corporate criminal law, is also important. In order to do justice to this concern, MedInform is organizing its first Healthcare Compliance Expert Forum this year.

The conference is aimed at managing directors, executives, healthcare compliance officers, lawyers from industrial and homecare companies, employees of companies interested in compliance, representatives of outpatient and inpatient medical facilities, interested health insurance representatives and members of the MedTech Kompass network.

Nicole Willms will speak on the topic “U.S. Compliance Monitorships – A Model for Germany?”.

More information about the conference can be found here.