Air Hockey Table for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Just in time for St. Nicholas Day on December 6, 2019, the Pohlmann & Company team handed over an air hockey table to the Frankfurter Verein zur Unterstützung von psychisch Kranken Kindern und Jugendlichen e.V. (Frankfurt Association for the Support of Mentally Ill Children and Young People).
The association has set itself the task of awakening public understanding for the situation of mentally ill children and their families. Mental illnesses in children and adolescents are extremely frequent. Thanks to modern psychiatric research and therapy, all these diseases can now be diagnosed and treated much better, so that many children and adolescents can be cured permanently. However, the financial means for a good therapy and the support of the affected families and children are often lacking.
We therefore very much hope that our donation for the recreation room of the Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents will give the little patients a lot of pleasure and distraction and contribute to their early recovery.
Our office dog “Peg”, who accompanied the construction work with a watchful eye, was a great source of enthusiasm for the children …